It's election time in Brazil and you would have to live in a hole to not know it. Hopefuls are running for every public position, and the country is pasted with campaign signs littering the roadsides, hillsides, medians and store fronts. That's not so different than what's done in North America, except for the fact politicians here also feel the need to hire vehicles and splatter the sides with their mug shots and mount megawatt sound systems on the roofs exclaiming their platforms for everyone to hear, usually along with a little song that gets real annoying after the 100th time. This goes on from dawn to dusk. I wanna throw an egg pizza at the next one that comes by.
Saturday, and it's a day off from meetings...whoo hoo! The reality is we've been working hard to get through our mandate, so it's nice to take a day off from meetings. I've worked up the courage to drive in Brazil. All you need is a mix of bravery and a lot of crazy. I score pretty high in the second department so it's off we go! We scooped the Lego-mobile and set out for a lovely drive south along the coast into Japaratinga, winding along cobblestone streets with crooked sidewalks occupied by the locals who just sit and stare at life going by. What a wonderful notion. Too relaxed to worry about today because it'll get done tomorrow, and if that doesn't work out then the next day or week will be just fine, thank you very much.
In the afternoon an impromptu snorkeling experience. The catamarans were all booked, but Raphael the concierge managed to get us aboard a small schooner built sometime in the day Columbus sailed the ocean blue. We made the two mile journey to the coral reef and explored the shallow homes of many tropical fish that appeared to have no fear of humans, even the elderly lady who thought she was still looking hot in a thong bikini. She didn't. Far from it actually. I would have thought her husband might have the sense to tell her the truth, but he sported a speedo 3 sizes too small so I doubt anything was said. There's gotta be a better way to keep looking young.
I found a seat that is more uncomfortable than 37E on a Boeing. It's the dreaded white plastic chair and it can be found in most of the homes out here, including restaurants and churches. If you are north of 250 these chairs are a thing of horror. I need to sit very still because I'm afraid even the slightest bowel movement will send me to the tile floor. We visited a seniors program a few days back and a woman in her early 100's walked across the room to present me with two chairs stacked together for extra support. Bless her heart....
And one final observation. Amidst all the sun, sweat and humidity I find Brazilian dudes actually smell pretty good. I attended an outreach "fathers only" evening at our local school which consisted of a speech, BBQ, and spirited game of indoor soccer. The hombre sitting closest to me smelled like Jasmine with a hint of Lavender. I wanted to tell him, but for fear of getting punched I elected to keep my trap shut.
Oh my. I'm in stitches. Humour helps everything, doesn't it?